I have listed below, the most common questions I get asked, when it comes to setting up a web presence for the first time. I’ve answered the questions right here too!

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Q: Do I need to own a business to have a website?

A: No, anyone can register a web address and setup a website.

Q: What is a URL?

A: The letters stand for Uniform Resource Locator but you don’t need to remember that ! Basically, the URL is the name of the website that you see in the address bar of your browser e.g. this website’s URL is ‘www.emerald38.com’

Q: What is a Domain name? 

A: When you want to setup a website, it needs to have a unique name. This will be your domain name. This website’s domain name is ’emerald38.com’. You register a domain name, to ensure that it remains unique, throughout the world and nobody else can then create a website with the same name as yours.

Q: What does ‘hosting’ mean?

A: There are many companies who provide ‘hosting’ for your website. When you create a website, it needs to be visible to everyone on the internet and it needs to be available 24/7. A ‘hosting’ company will allow you to have space on their servers for your website to run 24/7. They will also allow you space to have a database etc, assuming you need one. A ‘hosting’ company will generally charge you for this service.

Q: If I have a website but need to change it later, can it be changed?

A: Yes, websites evolve with your business or your life. It is normal for your website to be updated regularly. Depending on how it is built initially, you may be able to do the updates yourself very easily.